Wednesday, November 5, 2008

so long, banana!

Well, I did it! I upgraded! After 8 months with my faithful little yellow $60. e trex, I have purchased a Garmin 60CSx. ($278 refurbished) Ooooohh Aaaahh, I felt light-headed when I removed it from the package. It was so GREY and buttony, and serious-looking. It even had a manual that had more than 4 pages...many, many, many more than 4 pages.

So, you may be wondering what finally brought me to this point in my change of geoaching gear? Well it was the changes that I was constantly making - that U-turn in the middle of the road after I missed the road, the backing out of the road I did take that ended in a cow pasture with the real road (and cache) in some direction I couldn't get to. The road that led me 10 miles NE of SW of upside of Wherethehellamianyway that I had to drive 20 miles back from to figure out where I was. You see, the little yellow e trex does not have maps. Maps should be a good thing for directionless, clueless, U-turning geocachers like myself. I hope so anyway. Even if if doesn't help, I know those extra buttons are gonna be a real hoot!

1 comment:

paris1time said...


I have a Garmin 60CSx and LOVE it. I also bought the map software so I can get around those towns that I don't know and it will give me "follow the road" directions to a cache instead of having to circle in on the cache.

Take care,